Salmon Rebellion

Originally published in Sierra. Last year on August 24, Ernest Alfred, an elementary-school teacher and hereditary chief from the ‘Namgis, Lawit’sis, and Mamalilikala First Nations, boated out to Swanson Island, British Columbia, and began to set up tents with a small group of other First Nations activists. A few days earlier, Alfred had been sitting… Continue reading Salmon Rebellion

Categorized as Food, Science

Where Have All the Salmon Gone?

Originally published in Sierra. To get to the largest surviving population of wild spring Chinook salmon on the Klamath River, I drive farther north than I’ve ever been in California, then turn right. Gradually, the highways disappear, and the roads narrow. Commerce becomes more improvisational. Grocery stores and restaurants disappear and in their place there… Continue reading Where Have All the Salmon Gone?

Categorized as Food

How the Bay Area’s Last Slaughterhouse Dodged the Axe

Originally published at Grist. An hour north of San Francisco is where you’ll find the last slaughterhouse in the Bay Area. I drove right by it at first — it’s just a low-slung collection of one-story rectangular buildings and prefab trailers behind a high fence. It was sandwiched between a Bikram yoga franchise, a block… Continue reading How the Bay Area’s Last Slaughterhouse Dodged the Axe

Categorized as Food

The Uses of Whale

Originally published in Meatpaper, Issue 19, (aka “The Fissue”) In 2011, Japan killed 266 minke whales and one fin whale  during hunting season in the Antarctic. It had hoped for 900, but whaling boats were followed by anti-whaling boats. The anti whaling boats threw ropes into the whaling boats’ propellers. The whaling boats shot at… Continue reading The Uses of Whale

Categorized as Food

Hunting Wild, Mission Snails

In the Pleistocene era, if you were a resident of the Mission you would hunt sabercats, dire wolves, sloths, mastodons, bears, mammoths, and prehistoric camels

Categorized as Food